The family celebrated Emily's 22nd birthday today, although her birthday is tomorrow. She'll have her friends party tomorrow. It's hard to believe that my baby is 22 years old. She's grown into a lovely young woman but she'll always be my baby.
It's actually my sister's birthday today. There's interesting correlations between Emily and Wendy. For one thing, Wendy named Em. Lloyd and I tried several names on Em during her first few days with us but none seemed to 'fit' her. (After already naming four daughters, it was a bit of a challenge coming up with a name for the fifth!) Then Wendy phoned and suggested we name her Emily Patricia. We tried it, liked it, and stuck with it. It suits her. As she grew up, we realized that she looks like Wendy and one of her daughters, and they share several character traits.
My camera's battery was running low (my small camera, not my Rebel) so I only got a couple and they're not particularly good, but here they are. Here's one of Wendy too, since it's really her birthday. Happy birthday ladies. Love you both.