We've been here (Mickey and me) for a few days now and today was actually the first full day of our scrapbooking convention. We are exhausted already, convinced that such events are not for the overaged and overweight. I mean, walking the floor of the Vendor Faire alone is enough to make a 20-year old drop with fatigue (and the weight of all her purchases). We were very conservative in our purchases though and only bought the absolute essentials! The class we took was excellent - we completed four 12 x 12 page layouts and brought home 4 companion pages (2 page spreads) to complete at home - which we've already done. Mickey has two classes tomorrow and I have three so it's a good thing we 'did' the vendor faire today as we'll have no time for it tomorrow.
But scrapbooking isn't all we're doing. We had an agenda of 'must-do' items while we're down here. The first, and most important, was to take our 1995 Ford Windstar van in to have the AC fixed. When Curtis and Amy were here last weekend they had it recharged but it still didn't work so we had to take it in for heavy duty repair work because, as you can imagine, you simply cannot drive without air conditioning down here. We took it in yesterday and today we got it back, although we're over $1000 poorer for our efforts. As the service rep told me, 'there are a bunch of penquins sitting in the front seat of it now because it's so cold'. So far it seems to be working well. A good thing too because we just couldn't stand to drive Sara and Quincey's Mercedes around any more...it's just not good for our image!!
Although we didn't take a picture of it, our first stop for food was Macayos Mexican restaurant, and today for lunch we went to our third essential restaurant - Chipotles. So now that we've got those places out of our system, for a couple of days anyway, we'll calm down and eat like we're supposed to...whatever that is.