By the end of the day you can tell what kind of day it was by the look of the kids. Have you ever seen a dirtier face than Max's?? Or more freckles than Wyatt's (a neighbour boy who came over to play with the kids this evening)? Charlie's dirty too, but she has decorated her dirt with Barbie bandaids to cover the scratches she got out at her other grandma's house this afternoon. They were all happy and smiling and still having fun when it was time to go in to get ready for bed though...hopefully to have a bath first! Grammie and Papa left before the action began. We all had a good day.
Welcome to my world. I've been married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, Lloyd, for more than 40 years now. We have seven grown-up children, seven children-in-law, and twenty grandchildren.
Because there are so many people in our immediate family, this blog will center around them, interspersed with postings about scrapbooking, friends, and travels.
Our home base is Edmonton, Alberta, Canada but we spend as much time as we can in Lethbridge, AB and Surprise, AZ.
I appreciate any and all comments you might like to make. Thanks for reading.