It was as beautiful as any pictures I'd ever seen. Because it wasn't open today there we had the area to ourselves to walk around and take pictures. That's Wendy and Randy in the picture.
Another picture of Wendy and Randy, this time standing among the beautiful cacti in the cactus garden. They were very large and very old (the cacti, not W&R!)
Wendy and I were able to get up close and personal with the huge beavertail cactus, which wasn't prickly at all.
Lloyd and I are standing in front of a huge piece of a petrified tree which the sign says predates Adam and Eve. There were several of these petrified pieces on the temple grounds.
And, last but not least, here's Randy with a grapefruit he from a grapefruit tree just outside the gates of the temple.
I always liked it because it looks kinda like the Cardston Temple -- only, more Central America and less King Solomon. Betcha never see stiff little brides freezing and smirking outside this one.
did he eat the grapefruit?
Gorgeous place and so nice to see water!
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