Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Look Alikes

For years I've liked Fred Astaire - you younger readers may not be familiar with the best dancer/actor/singer to come out of the 1930's, '40s, and '50s, but I used to love watching him do his thing in the black and white movies. One of the coolest things I liked about him was that his birthday was the same as mine (the day - May 10 - not the year :)).

We have a picture of my dad taken in the mid 1940s while he was overseas during World War 2. I've always thought he looks like Fred Astaire in this picture. What do you think?

Robert McCarthy

Fred Astaire

The resemblance isn't so noticable in these pictures, but I still think Dad looked like Fred Astaire.

One of my favorite quotes about Fred Astaire goes like this:
"Ginger Rogers could do everything Fred Astaire could but she did it backwards and in high heels."

My next blog will feature a couple more family look-alikes...if I can find the appropriate pictures.


Anonymous said...

Yes, he looks like Fred Astair but alas could the man dance?

Pat MacKenzie said...

I never knew Dad to dance, sing or act. He had a cool sense of humor though.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes he does look like Fred Astaire. Neat isn't it? (I share a birthday with Chubby Checker but my Dad didn't look like him!!)

Greg said...

A handsome fella wasn't he?

sara said...

I think he's better looking.
And look at that - that's where we got this awful widow's peak from!

wendy said...

I never thought of Dad as looking like Fred Astaire - maybe a little.
My birthday is the same day as Perry Como - not much of a dancer, but he could sing a lot better than Fred Astaire - and he could cut hair too!
Yes, Sara, he shared that widow's peak, but fortunately, we can cover it up.

JQ said...

Those looks are so nice -- on a man! Have you ever noticed the son-in-law look alikes? We just went over them with the Woolfs: Anders looks like a UK singer named Morrisey, Curtis looks like Matt Damon, Quincey looks like Donny Osmond, Greg looks like Steve Nash, and we're still not sure about Alan yet. Any suggestions?