This first one was erected fairly recently in honor of a former slave, who was an AZ pioneer.
Mrs. Ah Lum, born in China and buried in Boothill in 1906, had great influence amog the Chinese residents of Tombstone.
Poor Mrs. Stump - not even given her first name - she died in childbirth from an overdose of chloroform given her by the doctor.
This is my favorite. "Here lies Lester Moore, Four slugs from a .44, No Les, no more." Moore was a Wells Fargo agent at Naco and had a dispute with a man over a package. Both died.
Marshall White's death is depicted in the movie Tombstone, starring Val Kilmer and Kirk Russell. Mr. White was accidentally shot as he started to take Curly Bill's gun.
Poor George Johnson really got a bad deal. A good argument against capital punishment, or for better investigation of crimes.
That's just a sampling of some at Boot hill. I have lots more pictures from our trip to Tombstone today and I'll probably blog about them later. Lloyd and I were talking on our way home (a 3.5 hr trip - we had to do something to pass the time!!) and we realized that we're excited about this old west history because we were raised on cowboys and indians on television - Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, etc. But our children and their children weren't so they're not as enthusiastic as we are when we hear about and see these old places we used to see on television when we were kids. Pity - they've missed a lot. Oh well, that's why we blog about them!
I loved this entry. Thanks for the am chuckle. Layla is now chanting "strung him up and now he's gone.."
I had to check where Tombstone was and discovered you were almost in Mexico! Interesting and waiting to see the rest of your photos!
We were so close to the border that we had to go through a border patrol check point coming out of Tombstone even though we never left the U.S.
You have sure been keeping busy while soaking up the warmth!
Tombstone is the kind of place that my hubs would love to visit.
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