Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Memories of a Year Ago

On a cold, snowy winter night a year ago this week, I received a phone call from my oldest daughter, with tears and fear in her voice. "Mum, the baby is coming, he's six weeks early. Can you come and stay with the boys." Of course, of course. Lloyd was out of town so I was on my own. I didn't even change out of my pyjamas but threw some overnight things in a bag, put on my coat, boots and gloves, and headed out to Lacombe after midnight, an hour and a half away. What else would a mother do?

Jenny's 4 boys (11, 9, 5 and 2) would be all right until I arrived there - they were all in bed asleep. Jenn and Anders had to head to Red Deer to the hospital before I could arrive.

Alberta's highway QE2 is not a pleasant drive in the winter, partially snow covered and dark. Luckily it's 4 lanes all the way. Once I was on the road I realized that no one knew where I was, in case anything happened. I pulled over and called the one daughter who I knew would be up working in the wee hours of the day at this busy time of year. So at least Sara knew what was going on.

I couldn't sleep once I got to Jenn's place and checked on the boys. I lay on the couch waiting for a phone call from Anders. It finally came about 2 hours after I arrived at the house. The baby was born safely and he and Jenny were doing well. Little Jammers (James Anders) was under six pounds, not the robust 8 and 9 pound babies Jenny was used to having, and was put into an incubator right away and hooked up to tubes for feeding and monitoring his breathing and other functions.

Anders got home just as the boys were stirring in their downstairs bedrooms. After talking to me for a minute or two he went down to tell the boys what had transpired while they slept. I heard the low murmur of male voices, then Jonah's excited "You mean he's born already", then a few minutes later "and Grammie's here too". They were an excited bunch that morning. Those boys love babies and were looking forward to having another brother, just not so soon.

I got to see the baby the next day - the first of ours to be premature and a bit sobering to see the tiny little body with tape and tubes on his nose and sprouting from all over it seemed. I was able to hold the precious little boy for awhile...such an emotional time. The prognosis was good from the start though so we tried not to worry too much. The family's main concern was getting him home for Christmas, and he ate and thrived so well that he made it home with a day or two to spare.

And just look at him now - a beautiful 1-year old boy, growing and developing at a wonderful rate with no apparent ill effects of his rush to get into this world. We're so glad you're here Jammers. Happy Birthday precious boy.