Four-year old Syd was playing with my small nativity set last night. (I brought her down today so I could take a picture of her playing with it)
I didn't pay much attention to how she set it up. When she left she said "I set it up in a different way than you did", and I just said ok and didn't check it.
Until this morning....
And I laughed...and laughed.....
Do you see it? There at the right of the manger?
What is it? Could it be....???
Yes! It's an outhouse! With a moose sitting in it reading a paper!
What a thoughtful little girl to provide the necessities of life for the holy family and its entourage.
I hope they were able to get the moose out!
Do they even have moose in Bethlehem??
I'm still laughing and I read it 5 minutes ago. Indeed, this was probably the type of restroom services that were available. I've always said Syd has a great eye for detail.
Well that is the cutest! So sweet!
Little children just think of everything!
Hilarious!! She has it all figured out!
Very cute indeed, but where the heck did she get the outhouse in the first place?! Your TREE??? I want one!
It's an ornament I bought at Michaels last year and had out for the tree this year. I guess she found it and wanted to put it to good use.
so cute
Playing with ornaments in our family means standing in the Church foyer smashing glass balls on the broadloom carpet.
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